Thursday 8 March 2012

In this place we now call "HOME"

A job opportunity for my husband brought us here  some 4 years ago....
With so much uncertainty and a lot of faith in God we have decided to move here.

Life wasn't easy in the beginning. But it sure was exciting. Lots of new places to see and different people to meet. We are mostly migrants here; people have come from different parts of the world.

And the weather???? Coming from a tropical country and arriving in the land of snow is a 360 degrees turn around of life for us. After more than four years though, we have gotten used to it. The windchill  which comes with the -20s up to 30s can be very brutal though.

Not being able to do what you used to do as far as working is concerned is difficult, too. There are a lot of things you have to go through first to be able to practice what you know. One must be able to have a strong heart to accept what life has to offer here at the beginning.

Living in a place very far from what you used to call "Home", I suppose has made our family closer together. Kids have started to learn how to do things on their own early on in life. There are no helpers to depend on- just "us".

Spring is something to look forward to just because winter will finally be over. Plants and flowers will bloom again even just for a while.

The months of July and August became very much awaited months for us, not only because they are my eldest's and hubby's birthday months respectively, but because we will finally experience the short summer. The kids can play in the park, we all can go biking and wear comfortable clothes again. That I can say, is what I miss most back home.
As what my younger kids would say- It is the best season ever!!!

But if you will ask me, Fall is what I like the most. The changing of color of the leaves thrills me. The weather is a little bit chilly (for me!), but just right for the rest of my family.

We miss the country where we came from and all the people we love dearly whom we left there. But God brought us to another place- which is a whole new world where we can raise our kids safer and  make our family stronger. I may not have the chance to do what I love most to do, but if my children are happy and my hubby feels more fulfilled with his work, then I should feel okay. 
Life has never been the same again for us ever since we arrived here- in this place we now call "HOME".

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